Achievement Awards for Employees

Achievement Awards for Employees

Employee morale can be a challenge for small businesses. One affordable way to boost your team’s spirits is by implementing an achievement awards program. Not only can this motivate your employees, but it may also provide valuable tax benefits for your business.

The purpose of Achievement Awards

Achievement awards recognize employees for their length of service or safety achievements. To be tax-deductible for the company and tax-free for recipient employees, businesses must adhere to specific guidelines.

Requirements for Achievement Awards

To receive favorable tax treatment, achievement awards must be tangible items, such as a plaque, trophy, or even a smartwatch. Cash equivalents like gift cards, vacations, or event tickets do not qualify. Also, the awards cannot be disguised compensation.

Additional rules apply based on the type of award:

  1. Safety Awards: Managers, administrators, clerical workers, and other professional employees are not eligible for the award. The business must not award safety awards to more than 10% of eligible employees in a single year.
  2. Length-of-Service Awards: These awards are for employees who have worked at the company for at least five years and have not received a similar award in the past five years.

Note that that the company should present the awards in a meaningful way. This doesn’t mean you need a grand event, but consider a ceremony that emphasizes their achievements.

Achievement Awards for Employees

Qualified vs. Nonqualified Awards Programs

The limits depend on whether the achievement awards program is classified as qualified or nonqualified:

  • Nonqualified programs: The maximum allowable tax-free award is $400 per employee, per year.
  • Qualified programs: The limit is raised to $1,600, which includes any nonqualified awards given.

Also, qualified awards programs must be documented in a written plan and made available to all eligible employees fairly, without favoring highly compensated employees. For 2024, a “highly compensated employee” is one with an annual compensation of $155,000 or more.

Generally, awards of nominal value, such as a coffee mug or T-shirt, are tax-free.

Explore achievement awards for your employees

An achievement awards program can be an excellent way to enhance employee morale while also providing tax savings. To ensure your program meets all tax requirements, consult with us for guidance.

“Publication 15-B (2024), Employer’s Tax Guide to Fringe Benefits.” Internal Revenue Service,

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